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NBT Bank Leads Three Additional Agricultural Lenders in Sponsoring NY FarmNet Consultant Trainings
In late 2017, NBT Bank spearheaded a movement to support NY FarmNet consultant trainings by donating $5,000 annually for five years (2017-2021). After their initial contribution, NBT Bank President John Watt contacted the presidents of three other banks that loan to farmers to encourage them to join the generous pledge. Three additional lenders – Community Bank, Farm Credit East and Tompkins Trust/Bank of Castile signed on at the same level for five years, starting in 2019. These funds are earmarked for the in person consultant trainings organized by NY FarmNet staff three times each year. They are usually multi-day, and have from five to ten different presenters on topics ranging from how to assist a client experiencing suicidal ideations to risk management and trends in dairy. Thank you to these four lenders for their support of the NY FarmNet program.